Church Parishioners Praise The Carpet Cleaners

Shamong landlord believes if the carpets can be saved Sparkle is right for the task.

During a recent walk through, a Shamong landlord wanted to have see to it that his property had some TLC, and called us. Having seen our work he was confident that we could restore the carpets and floors as best as possible, and asked us to meet the tenant to look at the project.

The Problem

Upon arrival we quickly learned this was an unusual property. At the gate, we called the tenant who opened the gate and let us in. Meandering in, first through a wooded area, then around a private pond and just before the stables and horse coral, we ventured up to the stately home. Preparing to go to the front door, the tenant walked up to us, introduced himself and escorted us to the house.

Once inside, it was hard to grasp how the property was being used. At first glance, there were about 20 pairs of sneakers and roller blades carefully arranged on an area rug, just inside the front door. We asked how many people lived there, are were told about 10. As we walked through several young adults were milling around, and we focused on each room and the soiling at hand. Apparently beyond being a home to a group of parishioners, the property is used extensively for church activities and gatherings.

And for us, this meant the carpets needed a lot of love. No promises were made for the master bedroom, a white sculptured carpet. The carpet had black soiling, obvious spillage, some red dye based, and wear in the traffic lanes, and burn marks. When asked about the red spills, the tenant said it was probably a red based beverage.

Next up was what you would call the family room, right off the kitchen. Probably in the teal family, add this to the list of heavily traveled rooms. Most of the other areas were also soiled, and the basement was no exception.

How We Brought New Life To These Carpets and Floors

Preparing to need about two days, we re-organized and arrived with two trucks, capable of running three carpet cleaning wands, and three experienced carpet cleaners, with about $15,000 in specialized wands, each capable of doing different things depending on the soiling. So with our powerful truck mounts, amazing cleaning solutions and a spot kit of about 15 spotters, we got to work (in carpet cleaning words, you could say we were there and ready to move a mountain if need be to restore the carpets.)

You could really say we had a come to ‘Jesus Moment’ as we cleaned the carpets.

Again, with no promises in the master, we did clean it up considerably. With the soiling removed it was clearly cleaner, although you could still see the wear patterns (from foot traffic,) the burn marks, and the stains where the spills have permanently dyed the white yarns. All in all it was cleaner and healthier.

Moving on to the family room. Well that was impressive. At first it appeared to be a convoluted gray-teal carpet-NOT! Turns out this poor carpet was screaming to be cleaned. With each pass of the wand the carpet turned from a kind of dirt gray to a gentle teal. Wow, was this a transformation!

Although the other areas cleaned up with less trouble, there is still more work to be done. The landlord is requesting we address more surfaces inside and outside the property in the near future.

Best not to let soiling and spillage build up on carpet. Cleaning carpet regularly can prevent premature damage. Red based spills and major traffic soiling are reasons to get your carpets cleaned, but you well may need the experts! For a free assessment and free estimate  Call us at 609.953.0472 or CONTACT US online.